Friday, March 7, 2014

My Idol~

Role model along the ages the Prophet Muhammad...

Here I want to share why I so admire the Prophet.

"Really fast we made ​​the Prophet as an example in carrying out this life {Surah Al-Ahzab {33}: 21}"

Prophet Muhammad, is an honorable man and the highest position in the sight of God. Even before he was born, his name has been touted in the minds of Adam and Hawa.

The figure of the Prophet Muhammad is a figure showing the perfection of morality and character. Through various sides can be exemplary. Probation as a president / caliph / believer until community leaders as a grandfather.

The attributes that make it fit exemplary? There are five major is :

  • As-Shidqu 
  • Al-Amanah 
  • At-Tabligh 
  • Al-fathonah 
  • Khuluqul Qur'an
And this song that i want to post can make your eye crying~

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