Thursday, March 6, 2014

my simple story

Assalamualaikum to all my friends and our lecture Mr Zainal. Thank to Mr Zainal because take some time to create a group and also blog.

It is not easy to me intoduce myself because only me know myself so well that i didnt know where to start. My name is Muhamad Ridhwan b Ahmad Nata. I came from Jauhar, did u know what the Jauhar?? Jauhar became the meaning is ‘southern diamond’.

 Actually its my first time to share something at blog. It become broken when i write in english. I want to appreaciate my beloved friend because give some learning to wrote the blog. I am a simple person, many thing i like to do such as i like to read romantic novel, i like to think some positive idea, almost thing i like is dreaming.

  My topic is not interested because have some sad emotional and at the same time maybe can been promoted me . To all my friends in a relationship with girls, but i am the only one is single and its really annoying.  I am a good looking men and not being horrible to my friends, but i'm probably the 2nd best looking out of my around friends, so that is why its all the more irritating. I only wanna date, but i don't get to meet any girls anywhere, I have had my friend's introduce me to 1 or 2 of their friend's before this, but i have either not liked them physically. What else do i do to find a girl? I have been single for too long now and it's embarrassing for me. I just need a some any girl in my life, to make me laugh, happy, and accompany me when i borred. Hope to all my friend give some idea to me how  can i get a date from women..

  Even though i didnt have girlfriend but i am still have friend and love me forever..
Thank you ali tomake me happy..


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